My sister brought this story to my attention and it is simply delightful. It's the little things like this that renew my faith in America.
In recent weeks one Heath Campbell was celebrating the third birthday of his son, Adolf Hitler Campbell. Adolf is the oldest of three children. His younger sisters are JoyceLynn Aryan Nation Campbell and Honszlynn Hinler Jeannie Campbell. Anyway, the proud father ordered a birthday cake from the local Shop Rite with one simple request: write "Happy Birthday Adolf Hitler" on the cake. Apparently Shop Rite refused. They offered to bake the cake, decorate it and write "Happy Birthday" on it leaving enough room for the Campbells to write whatever message they wanted. This was not enough for the first-ammendment-quoting Herr Campbell who claimed discrimination. He decided the only thing he could do to set the situation right was to go to the media. When the papers published the story many subscribers were angry that such an incident would be reported shining such a negative light on their community that they cancelled subscriptions.
When asked if he was a racist, Herr Campbell explained that he wasn't. To prove this fact he pointed out that he had gotten rid of all the swastikas he had laying around the house.
OK. These are the facts as I know them. You can google "Hitler Boy" and get more details than I care to go into.
But let's stop and reflect on this for a moment.
I don't think I can even make a smart-ass comment. There really isn't anything to add.
At any rate the following was pasted directly from FOXNEWS.com
"A 3-year-old boy named Adolf Hitler and his two Nazi-named younger sisters were removed from their New Jersey home last week and placed in state custody, police said."
I would like to personally thank Herr Campbell for his contribution to the news cycle. I cannot think of another story in recent history that moved me as much as this one. From start to finish this IS InfoTainment at its best! You just can't make shit like this up!
I really could not believe the first article in the Express Times about this family and how this poor poor child couldn't even get a birthday cake! Then, it was headline news for about a week. Then I started reading Letter's to the Editor and people were outraged! Outraged with the Express Times for bringing this story to light, angry with the father, angry with the mother. People claimed they were going to cancel their subscriptions to the paper. But then I am on the computer and see it is on MSN.com. This story really did make international news! I now look forward to the paper every morning just to see how this story has progressed. And like my brother, I really can't think of anything more to say about it. It really is just a facinating story. People just can't get enough of "Hitler Boy."
I believe the children have "wack jobs" for parents...and that is all I can say.
p.s. I see you are now on the same posting schedule as Father O' Malley :)
Possibly be you need a "guest poster".
Anon 9:57 p.m. - Sorry about the typo.
Thank you Anonymous Cubed.
Personally I cannot get enough of Hitler Boy. Once again I thank the queen for bringing it to my attention. Please keep us posted on any breaking news!
As for the next comment, I think it is dangerous to label Herr Campbell as a "wack job". Something about that label dismisses him. He clearly is an anti-social, self-promoting white supremecist drawing a line in the sand and making his stand against society. Some may remember a similar sociopath named David Koresh. I will take this opportunity, once again, to praise former Attorney General Janet Reno for burning down that compound full of "wack jobs".
We have enough trouble throughout the world with fundamentalists trying to destroy our way of life. We don't need to be tearing down the structure upon ourselves the way Herr Campbell would have. I am glad the children have been put in a safe place. Now maybe the fireworks can begin at the Campbell compound.
This guy seems to be a perfect fit for Illinois governor!
Seriously... he gets mad because people refuse to honor his idiotic requests (sorry, but if you name your child after the most loathed man in history, whatever happens is your fault), so he goes to the media (although RB had the media come to him) and then it starts to bite him in the ass!
I'm all for the freedom of speech and let me tell you... that means this guy's right to name his children after genocidial hate-mongers. It also means that I support the right of the Shop Rite to refuse; I support the public outcry against him (and for him); and I support the right of the paper to paint the picture the man obviously deserves - a Hitler sympathizer.
Is this man a Hitler sympathizer? Maybe, maybe not. But when the name Adolph Hitler evokes only the thought of the former Nazi dictator, how can this guy expect anything but negative reactions?
Let's not even get into how wrong it is to have your children bear your burdens in life!
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