Friday, February 27, 2009

For a Friend


Unknown said...

Surprised there are not more comments, of course it has taken me a while to write. The drawings are yours, the one in green looks as if it could be a silk screen. But, you did not say who is the subject or possibly subjects of your artwork. Could be Brunton, or has there, hopefully, been a very strong bind with Miss Hudson K. Elgarf or are you still in mourning for Musgrave?

If it is Musgrave that would be nice. I had told you my boy had to be put to sleep this past September. I will never nor do I want to go a single day without missing him. That will never happen. May sound strange to those who do not believe our feline friends are so special to us. The drawings are good. I thought you should know I enjoyed them.

Elgarf said...

Nick, I am so sorry. I have neglected this site and have only recently gotten back into it. I had no idea you had commented and you have probably long moved on to better blogs but I had to reply.

Thank you for the kind words about the artwork. They are both, in fact, images of the late, great Musgrave. I posted them on the 1 year anniversary of her departure. The first one was a drawing that I made of her lying on a sketchbook years ago. I inverted it so that she would appear black. The second was a print I made by drawing into a styrofoam plate, inking it and printing onto green construction paper.

Hudson K. has grown on me and i on her. We get along quite well. She and Brunton are still adjusting.

Well, thanks again and best of luck.