"...so come on down to Harry's Sex Shop. That's me, Harry, the guy with a snake on his face"
So claims the late great John Candy in the guise of this lovable, if sleazy, adult novelty store owner on SCTV. How's that for an attention getter? I open with this because today is election day 7 November 2007, one year to the day that we elect a new president in 2008. I was not going to go to the polls today. The girls had a vet appointment and I had gotten home from that, put on my fleece pajama pants, made a pot of decaf and sat down at the computer to look for blog updates and otherwise waste time. That's when the phone rang. It was the chief on his way from work to the election polls. I mentioned that I did not know enough about the local game to get involved, but he argued that I, of all people, know that I need to vote and not leave the choices to everyone else. Fair enough. There were 7 issues on the ballot. Three dealt with unopposed politicians, three dealt with tax levies, and one dealt with the aforementioned "Harry".
The religious extremers would like to impose a curfew on strip clubs and "adult bookstores", imposing a fine on these businesses that should stay open after midnight. They also want to limit the touching of semi-nude dancers to a few designated areas. Unfortunately there was no diagram as to what would be legal and what would be a no-no. It is unfortunate because that would have made the ballot a lot more fun.
It struck me as odd that these people curse and damn the evil "LIBERALS" who want to force the business owner to answer to the big bad government. "Keep government off our backs", wasn't that Reagan's motto? Yet, that goes out the window when they don't agree with the business. This seems absurd to me. If it is that big a goddamn deal, why don't they stop playing for chicken-shit and go for the prize. Legislate to CLOSE THE FUCKERS DOWN! The problem there is that they couldn't get the backing because of the money that these legitimate legal businesses bring in. That is not to say that they are right or wrong, but they are legal. This micromanaging bullshit is just wrong.
Any guesses how I voted?
I love the intro to this post! John Candy - Nice touch!
I agree. Why are we trying to police what our neighbors see and purchase? I don't care if my neighbor is watching porn or visiting strip clubs. Who cares? So long as it's not involving children or animals - I'm OK with whatever he wants to watch or read!
You have it right on the money - the age old issue with the Republicans (not that Dems are any better mind you - they just get hypocritical in other areas) - They want less government in peoples' lives but only as long as it fits their agenda. Hypocritical crotch-gobblers!
I can't say that I frequent the sex emporium, but it is a "legit" business, so keep it open. If you are in any major mall you can go into Vicki's and that I also consider a legitimate sex shop
Mr O'Malley: You CAN'T SAY or you WON'T SAY?
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