I have been meaning to post this for the longest time, but just haven't gotten around to it. It was a busy and fantastic weekend as already mentioned on 2 other blogs (Chief/O'Malley) but it is definitely worth mentioning here. The "somewhat
holy trinity" of Rabbi Pfefferberg, Father O'Malley, and Hari Elgarf left their mark on the local Halloween block party and I can't wait to see these two guys again.
Anyway, on to the post. Have you heard this ongoing debate about the lethal injection? Certain parties have filed a lawsuit to delay the execution of death-row inmates claiming that the administration of the three drugs does not always follow protocol, and this may OR MAY NOT result in cruel and unusual punishment. As I understand it one drug puts the killer to sleep, another numbs the senses and the third shuts down the organs, or something like that. If, however, these are given in a different order the organs are shut down while the killer is aware and able to feel pain. Some states have called a moratorium on executions until this is settled. Others have not.
I agree that this must be stopped. We cannot have killers feeling pain during their transition into non-being. I think someone should come up with some sort of device that introduces a lethal dose of electricity into the body. A sudden jolt, in a comfortable chair might make the transition into nothingness more palatable. Or, what if they were to tie a rope around the killer's neck and, with the aid of some sort of trap door and the laws of gravity, a quick snap could bring the end relatively quickly. I know these ideas are new and radical but I feel they would make public execution much more agreeable to everybody.
1 comment:
Your ideas truly are groundbreaking. Your photo on the post gave me the best idea: Let's begin testing on Lars Ulrich!
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