To make it easier on your eyes I shall transcribe it:
Dear friend, it's out of concern for your soul that I'm writing to you today. According to the Bible, we're living in the last days, and it saddens me to know , there are so many people out there, who still don't know Jesus Christ as their personal Savior.
Jesus saved my soul Jan. 22, 1980 and for this, I can never do enough to repay him. However, I can and must strive to be a soul winner for him. And one way of doing this, besides just continuing to pray for you, is by writing to you, and reminding you, that your soul is just as important to Jesus today, as it was the day he gave his life for you on Calvary's Cross.
If you're already a born again Christian, continue in the faith. If you're not, please seek Jesus while he may be found. Attend the Bible believing; Bible teaching church of your choice. Repent, be baptized, study God's word, and labor in the vineyard.
For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. St. John 3:16
Being the conscientious citizen that I am, I couldn't let this letter of good will be left unanswered. The following is my response:

Those of you who know me best are familiar with my strong belief system. I like to think that J Paul 2 would be proud.
The fact that this person took the time to write this out says something. Now, what that something is... well... it could be any number of things such as they are:
1) Devoted
2) A Whack-Job
3) Staunchly Committed
4) A Whack-Job
5) Very Religious
6) A Whack-Job
7) Dick Cheney
We may never know but your response was a wonderful, wonderful slap to the groin to them. I like how you let them know - they are the one that "went off-path/went astray" as some ballot boxes tend to do!
Great post!
Thanks, chief. I'm glad you can appreciate my sentiment on this. I really do not understand how ANYBODY could find this approach successful. It doesn't matter what you are selling, why go about it this way? I hope they have learned the error of their ways and can now go out to love and serve the lord, thanks be to god.
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