It has been nearly 8 months since Musgrave took her leave. The last 5 have been somewhat of a transition.
It wasn't until my mid-twenties that I discovered I was a cat person. We took in a stray, then about a year and a half later I was chosen by Esmerelda (who I dubbed Musgrave), so on and so forth. As far as personality goes, I can be social but in my own time. I am loyal to a fault, but please don't piss with me. I found that cats seem to share these traits, at least ADULT CATS do.
You see above Miss Hudson K Elgarf. She tries me on a daily basis. She is my first AND LAST kitten. While I DO advocate the adoption of stray animals I strongly urge the would be "parent" to go for the older model. These young things can be a bitch!
Elgarf, Anon here...I believe I generated much activity on this blog a few weeks ago concerning my defense of Ann Coulter. I thought all ended well with You,Tony, the Chief and even Father O'Malley responding. All was civil and I felt I would be welcomed back to both your blog and the Chief's blog. I mentioned to you at the time that I lost my boy "Kirby" who was my best friend for over 19 years.
I believe your Sister picked your new kitten for you and of course your older feline friend did not care for this. I remember the sketch you did of your new kitten. My boy was always an only child. He was adopted when he was approximately one year old and he must have had a very good mother because from the beginning he was truly a "class act". He was perfect and we enjoyed some raucous times together the many years he was healthy. After he was older with health problems he was active but would tend to sleep much more than before. If you would have come to visit, he would investigate you, and than go off by himself. When he and I were together we thoroughly enjoyed each others company. I digress.
Hang in there. You know that kittens will be kittens and also require more care. Be gentle and I am sure she will settle in with both your older cat and you. Don't yell, cats do not forget as dogs do. Don't scare her, she will be okay. You know as a cat lover, we adopt a pet for life so do not give up on her, ever. If she is a challenge you are compassionate enough to treat her as someone special which I know you will do. All three of you will be will just take some time. I suppose someone who does not care for pets or especially cats may find this a strange and boring comment. I really do not care. I know what great friends cats are, I was lucky, I had a special guy.
Hey, Anonymous, it's nice to hear from you! As for the Ann Coulter stuff, I'm glad that didn't keep you away.
As for the kitten, I know. You're right. I get very angry with her but then she climbs up and snuggles in and I forget why I was mad, that is until she wakes me up at 3:00 am wrestling with the venetian blinds. At any rate I am adjusting. I pulled the blinds all the way up and now use the drapes in their place. It keeps her out of trouble and keeps my blood pressure down so we both win. As much as I would like to blame my sister I know it is not her fault. There's just no replacing my pal, but this little imp IS growing on me.
By the way, if you sign up for a gmail account (even a phony one) we could call you something other than "Anonymous". Either way, don't be a stranger.
"Nick" here, previously known as Anon...I have had a few Gmail addresses for quite a while. I guess I have been waiting to see which one I wanted to use for the blog I have been contemplating. I know some code, have hand coded two websites recently. I assume that the new Blogger software is quite user friendly, I have heard that some folks who have a Blogger blog do not know much about code. Let me know your thoughts on this if you have the time. Your blog looks good and the header works well with the overall design.
Sorry for the long paragraph with the comment yesterday. I keyed it rather quickly and sent it. Later, I noticed the one huge chunk of text you had to read.
Took another look at Miss Hudson K. Elgarf tonight and she does, in this picture, appear to have a mind of her own but that is good. I suppose the "horns" you have added help portray that look.
Anyway, when I comment again, I will be back as "nick". Take care of those feline friends of yours.
I still cannot, in my mind, call this coming election over and bow to the Messiah. I also can't remember when I have let a campaign eat at me the way this one has.
As for the code and all that it is beyond me. A friend of mine started blogging and I originally thought it was kinda' stupid. He got me hooked and here I am a year and a half later still dropping my thoughts. Blogger has been easy enough for me.
I give you credit. I don't see McCain coming back from this. I hope he does. But lately I am coming to believe I am wrong and nothing but a hate-filled racist who doesn't want to "give a brother a chance." All of my arguments fall on deaf ears and it is really wearing me out. While I will not bow to him I will accept his victory and hold him to all of his promises. I just hope the ignorant media will do the same thing. All I can do now is vote against him which I very much look forward to doing.
Hello Cat people!
I, of course, am not one but that's really due to the fact that I'm pretty allergic to them so I really can't be. I know how attached to the dogs in my life I've been in and I can say that it hurts to lose a dog and it's also hard to let a puppy grow on you because older dogs are docile and trained while puppies are rambunctious.
No matter what... that young kitten/puppy will grow - you'll get through the craziness and hopefully, in the end, things will settle to an enjoyable relationship!
Good Luck!
Even though this post is over 2 weeks old, it is still current. I am sure that you heard about what BARRY the Chosen One said about the FIRST dog, and his MUTT comment. Oh my Daughter has allergies and she needs a dog that doesn't shed. This Fool is already testing me. I have the perfect dog for him.
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