Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Sad times...Winning by default

I wish I could subscribe to this wave of "hope" that is sweeping over America. To me it seems like we are in desperate times and need some clear leadership to steer us through it. I DO NOT believe that Barack Obama is capable of turning the tide. I have not heard any proposals that should convince me otherwise. America, once again, appears to be on another page in a different book than the one I have been reading. Remind me of what exactly he has done to garner this great approval and blind faith. I could really use a pick-me-up right now because it seems to me that he will win this election simply because he is the democrat.

Once again I MUST reach out to you, the millions of NEW, ENERGIZED, DISENFRANCHISED voters who are coming to the process for the first time. Remind me, again, of why you have never been politically active in the past. What about this candidate has made you give a damn about this process, and WHY DID YOU NEVER CARE BEFORE??!!! We really could have used your help in 2000 when Al Gore SHOULD HAVE won by default, coming off of 8 years of job growth, prosperity and wars waged only to prevent genocide. We really could have used your help in 2004 when George Bush proved to be the evil, ignorant manipulator we always said he was and John Kerry SHOULD HAVE won by default. Now that the damage is done, you want this inexperienced, smooth-talking snake-oil salesman to take the reins of this nation?!

Alright, the republicans are BAD. They have led us POORLY. There is no question about it. But, just like your messiah likes to keep pointing out that we shouldn't have gone into Iraq, there are many things that the republicans should not have been allowed to do. What has the democratic congress done for the last 2 years but acquiesce to the president? Why is the Bush administration not forced from office and put on trial for war crimes?

On election day I will cast a symbolic vote for president. I do not have any illusion that John McCain will win but I do believe that he is the far superior candidate. You may cast your vote to elect the first African-American president, and I do not snicker at that, these truly are historic times. I, however, do not feel it is his time. He may earn my support after actually accomplishing something, not just bad-mouthing people who voted for the war. What the senator from Illinois doesn't seem to understand is that we are there in Iraq. It no longer matters that we were put there by an out and out lie in order to seek revenge on the enemies of the president's family. I don't care how Hillary voted and I don't care how senator McCain voted. The fact that Obama opposed it does not qualify him to be president. I opposed it. Should I be president? As a community organizer in Chicago Illinois he worked with troubled youth. In my own way I, too, work with troubled youth. Should I be president?

This whole election is preposterous. My only hope is that when things don't fit so neatly into the Obama puzzle that the media is every bit as "fair and balanced" as they have been throughout this decision making process. OF COURSE it is time to elect an African-American president but is this guy the best that community has to offer?


The Chief said...

I have a hard time disagreeing with you. Smugness and arrogance - but what can you do?

I'm really ready for this to be over at this point.

I will say this though, I think there's nothing wrong with McCain or Obama that a little Orangina couldn't take care of!

Elgarf said...

Good call. We could all use a little Orangina, especially if it is half as exciting as the video suggests!