It has been stated here in previous blogs that this poster is dissatisfied with National Public Radio. A loyal member for the better part of 10 years I always thought they really did "consider all things," that is, of course, until they crowned Senator Obama king several months ago. In an attempt to find a more varied source for political news I began to search the am dial. A local station carries News/Talk and features the "Ed Schultz Show - The Progressive Voice of the Nation." This was too good to be true. I thought the only left-wing shows on the air were featured on the doomed Air America satellite network.
Well, it has been a couple weeks since I first heard Ed. One of the first things I heard the man say was that he and we should support whoever the Democratic nominee turns out to be. He claimed that either candidate would be worlds better than George W. Bush. I was on board at that point. The next day he was crucifying Hillary.
Today he is screaming about the wasted time discussing that Obama, only this week, started wearing a lapel pin. He pointed out that Hillary hasn't been wearing one either. As for shady dealings with business associates in Illinois being used to tear down senator Obama, what about the backroom dealings with Wal-Mart the Clintons have been in on? Remember that whole Reverend Wright thing? It was not Obama's place to question the pastor or even to leave during a fiery, racist, anti-American sermon. He is a member of "the church" not a member of the reverend. Hillary admitted that the whole thing about the sniper in Bosnia was a lie. She is a no good liar.
The sad thing is that my defenses are weakening.
My original thought on this whole campaign thing was that we need to leave the Clintons in the past and move on with our lives. The republicans would only grid-lock anything they did just like the last time and what good would that do? Maybe it was time for a change. As the election unfolded and Edwards and Obama began dumping on Hillary the way Rush Limbaugh or Sean Hannity would I started to become defensive. Let's stick it to everyone and go with the Clintons! That has held up for a long time. I voted for her in my state's recent primary and I stand by that vote. Having said that, I am beginning to face up to her flaws. I am finding out that I may have been wrong, and everyone else might have been right. You read that correctly. I am admitting that I may very well be not only wrong, but DAMN WRONG! I am going to have to (figuratively) crawl back to a number of friends, colleagues, and family members and admit that Hillary may not be presidential nor ready to take office.
I thought the Democratic party was wrong for jumping on the Obama band-wagon. I realize now that they have the party's best interests in mind and that there is a good reason that he is their man.
The Democrats are correct.
No matter who gets the nomination...
I could no longer vote for Hillary Clinton in November.
There is only one thing left to do.
Vote for Senator McCain.