It was just coincidence that it should fall on April 1st. It certainly was not foolish. In fact every day for the last 8 and a half years had led up to my 5:00 appointment yesterday. There was supposed to be another person going with me but she backed out. To be honest it was probably better that way. It was not really an experience for sharing.
Two weeks after my final day with Ms.Musgrave I received her ashes. Enclosed was a small manilla envelope containing snippets of her black fur and another envelope with a card that had her paw print stamped on it. I immediately took it home and sat down at the art table to come up with the design you see above. I did have to tool with it awhile before getting it just right. It would fit like a puzzle piece between two other tattoos I already had on my left leg.
So, with the envelope of fur in one pocket and $40.00 in another (the arrangements had been made) I met up with Chad for our 5th collaboration. Another tattoo artist asked about the design. While I was nowhere near embarassed, I did recognize that it was probably not the most macho of reasons. However, after my explanation he sympathized and showed me two massive dog paw prints on his arms for lost pets. I know that the lovely and talented Alicia Moore PINK has an homage to her dog on her forearm reading "Sir Corky Moore" and his dates too, so, I guess I am in good company.
No way you can consider such a thing as anything but sincere and caring.
We all need that in our life; the way you chose to not only honor the memory of you pet but the way you showed how much she meant to you is more than words can describe. You will now carry that with you wherever you go and I say - BRAVO! Not many people CARE enough to do something like that!
Macho Schmacho! (I'm sure that's Yiddish somehow!!!)
Thanks for that sentiment. It's true, she has always been a part of me, but now it can be said in a more literal sense.
In my daily ramblings I come across alot of people that have the ashes of the departed on the mantle. This is a first.I am sure that this type of tribute has been done in a "human" fashion, but I have never heard about it in teh "animal" fashion.
It only says good things about people when they can love an animal that much.
Nice design.
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