Alright, I need a break from the political postings, too.
In the supermarket there is music while you work
It drives you crazy sends you screaming for the door.
Work there for a year or two and you can get to like it
I don't work in supermarkets anymore.
It's so easy, it's so easy,
Grab can, lift arm, stack can, turn around.
It's so easy, it's so easy,
Do the Instant Mash...
I was in the car last night and had my iPod on shuffle. This familiar tune came on but I couldn't place it. As the vocals began I shouted, "Holy Shit! It's Joe Jackson!" I shouldn't have been so surprised, after all I put the song on there in the first place. But this is one of those tunes that I absolutely love. I remember playing it over and over on repeat until I knew all the words, but it has been several years since I listened to the Look Sharp! album in its entirety. In fact, I may not have even recognized it by the title alone, but what a catchy tune and a great driving beat, and those lyrics! Who can't relate to the lines above? Muzak may ease the experience of the shopper, but the poor worker has to hear those same awful songs over and over with no escape. Once again, I tip my hat to the everyman stylings of Joe Jackson.
Hey, I just wanted to chime in and let you know that I had a similar experience, in fact, it was more than similar. It was the same exact song! Man, that tune has been rattling around in my head for about three days now. I couldn't agree with you more. Joe Jackson is a fine musician and songwriter. It is that everyday experience that he can capture and let us know that he is one of us.
Great post! Keep up the good work!
You're both right. Instant Mash is a great tune, but overall I feel that Look Sharp! pales in comparison to his other work. Even his follow-up album, I'm the Man has better tracks. From the opening song, On Your Radio, to (possibly his best track ever) It's Different for Girls, to a song that an earlier post was named after, The Band Wore Blue Shirts.
Have either of you read A Cure for Gravity? It chronicles Mr. Jackson's early life through college and his early days with the original Joe Jackson band. It is some really cool stuff. For someone who spent about 30 minutes in a college music program, it was impressive to learn about someone who actually learned several instruments, made it into a career, and, 30 years later, is still making records. "Rain" just came out this past week.
Yes, I too read A Cure for Gravity. I have it in the closet somewhere. I was a little disappointed that it ended right after he made it big. I would love to have read about the Night and Day recording sessions.
I also saw that Rain was just released, but have not heard it yet. I was able to sample it on iTunes and may have to get it through them.
Hey, glad you could join the discussion!
Elgarf seems to have MPD!!?!!???!!!
Love the post though!
Beats me. I've never heard of it.
Neither have I.
Nor I, but I have noticed there are two other assholes on here posting as me.
Fuck them.
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