Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Barack Obama IS Arrogant and Uppity

It has been awhile since I have ranted and I think this time I have good cause. There is a lot of talk recently about whether or not we can call Senator Obama "Uppity" or "Arrogant". I heard an African-American commentator on CNN say that these are coded words white people use to say that a black man does not know his place.

Let that sink in for a minute.

George Bush is an arrogant, uppity, ignorant Texas hick. He thinks he can do anything he wants because he is president.

Al Gore is an arrogant, uppity, holier-than-thou Tennessee hick who thinks he knows more than us because he wrote a book on the environment.

John Kerry, Rush Limbaugh, John Edwards, Sean Hannity: all these assholes are uppity and arrogant. They think they know more than us, they talk down to us, they don't know their places. In fact, I would say that yours truly, Lord Elgarf himself can be arrogant and uppity. What the hell does this son-of-a-bitch know about anything? Yet he sits at his keyboard from somewhere in the midwest and spouts this bullshit like he knows something. Arrogant Uppity Prick!

Back to my original point. Barack Obama IS arrogant and uppity. He has no track record. He did not win his senate seat. He told us all that he was much more qualified than Hillary because she was the old politics and we need change. His whole campaign has been old politics since Hillary dropped out. His followers, including the press have made him out to be the second coming of Christ and he accepts this and believes it himself.

Barack Obama IS arrogant and uppity. If you truly think that makes me a racist then you are clearly showing your own ignorance. YOU are harboring resentment for a race other than your own. You cannot even make an argument to defend your messiah. Writing me off as "racist" is far easier than actually defending the very thin resume, lofty rhetoric, and constant flip-flopping of the inexperienced Senator from Illinois. Fuck you very much.


The Chief said...

I couldn't have said it better myself, Elgarf!

That's exactly what they are attempting to do here: they are avoiding the argument by calling us racists. Many black editorialists today (re: Leonard Pitts, Jr., Derrick Z. Jackson) try to dismiss us and our point of view by calling us racist and hoping WE will "know our place" and leave Barack Obama alone - or rather - unchecked.

I will not and am glad you will not bow either.

There is so much arrogance in this man's demeanor and I'm tired of it Start by telling me how being on the cover or People Magazine is relevant!?!?! Well, I think he's attempting to use the same thing Warren G. Harding did relied on to get elected. He's using his youthful charm and good looks to woo people over and he has something Harding never had - AL GORE'S INVENTION, THE INTERNET! It's sad how, after 100 years, we still have people voting based on looks and a couple of hope-infused rhetoricial speeches.

Anonymous said...

Overall a good post. I do not think that all the folks you named talk down to us, most do.
No! I do not think you are a racist. I do think however that Obama and Mrs. Obama are. I am not pleased with my other choice but I refuse to sit out. I will vote. There are many Black men and women I could name which I would vote for.

As for the Chief's comments, I agree. I have been trading email with Leonard Pitts for years, have given up and no longer read his column. Almost every column he writes is about the racism of the White man. The same can be said for Derrick Jackson.
I hope more young folks like the two of you have the intelligence to see through what is happening and how the drive-by media is leading the charge. So many young people do not understand that they will be bearing the brunt of the higher taxes for years. It looks as though we will be a socalist country if Obama is elected. End of sermon.

MR LAYTOM or MR GANZ said...

Watching the ONN(Obama News Network), one comes upon the fact that this man is on the television about every 2 minutes. This just pisses me off. The people that support this man are nuts, and fortunately the drive by media is starting to notice that the man is a BIGOT and a fool, knowing nothing about foreign affairs.

Anonymous said...

Dear elgarf,
it's my pleasure to write to you ...Iam usama Elgarf.
It'e seem that we are from the same family .Iam from Egypt..I hope to complete acquaintance ..
these my E-mails:

Elgarf said...

Wow, I am honored and humbled to get such a response to my ramblings.

Anonymous 1: Thank you for the kind words. John McCain is not the ideal candidate, but when he is put next to a charlatan that the democrat party has accepted on blind faith, and the media has hailed as the second coming of Christ he looks solid, moderate, human. I feel that it is my duty to use my vote for him and against this insane feeding frenzy that so many people have accepted and joined.

Anonymous 2: It truly is an honor to meet another Elgarf, and to correspond with someone from Egypt! This is truly a first! While I am not averse to sharing emails with you I really must say that Elgarf is not my family name. To take advantage of the anonymity of the internet I did a little tweaking and came up with the Elgarf.

The Most Reverend Fr. O'Malley: I think you have something there. I hope that as this campaign trudges on over the next few months this god-like quality starts to fade and Senator Obama is seen for what he truly is: a goddamn human being with little experience and NO political savvy.

Chief: You and I have discussed this before (the preacher's face turned red). The surest way to shut down a discussion is to call an open-minded individual a racist (who's this kinky so-and-so?). It is certainly counter-productive (soon everybody knew the thing was dead), and it would seem to me that if I wanted to engage in a discussion with someone (no hesitations) to reach a conclusion that was equally beneficial for all parties (no tears ... no remorse) I wouldn't insult them and turn them away (congratulations!).

The Chief said...