Monday, September 10, 2007


Well the much awaited report by General Petraeus came out today. Funny how he gave a disclaimer saying that all of the following words were his own. Well, of course they were, General. Who else would they belong to? (certainly not the law-abiding open-door administration that you are reporting for.) Anyway, at least he suggested a draw down in 30,000 troops by summer 2008. I guess that's a start. To be honest I am really not concerned by the vaccuum that would be created by our immediate withdrawal, nor the answer to that loaded question "are you going to tell all the families of men who died that they died for nothing?" These people are smarter than the public gives them credit for. They are well aware of what was accomplished by the loss of 3800 troops:

"We Got HIM!" Yeah!!!!

Funny how this administration can redefine and expand their powers, getting around any and every obstacale in their way, but they just couldn't get around that whole "Anti-Assassination" thing put into place by of all presidents, Gerald Ford.

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